Thursday, May 5, 2016

Where are the tears?

Craft Beers and Tears, we know where the beer is coming into play but tears you ask?
We've got those too, what better rating system then celebrity cry faces. on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the worst and 5 being the best beers here is our rating system

1 Star: The worst of the worst, That IPA whose taste that you can't get out of your mouth no matter how hard you try is the Leave Brittney Alone of beers.

2 Stars: This beer is still pretty unpalatable, you could finish it if you really had to or really wanted to get drunk and had no other options. It's pretty much something you willing would not order again.
The ugly Kim Kardashian cry of the beer world.

3 Stars: Some people may like this beer but not I. These are usually the red headed step children from a brewery that you wouldn't invite to your party unless your parents made you invite the whole class so no one felt left out. I give you the James Van Der Beek ugly cry.
4 Stars: Now we are getting somewhere, this is what I will drink. When you have 30 taps at the bar I will probably give 2-3 a 4 star. These are not going to taste like a dead skunk in your mouth at the end . I give you LC.

5 Stars: The rare unicorn of beer, it has to be out of this world to get the elusive 5 star rating. It only happens when the planets are aliened or during the eclipse. I give you Chrissy Teigen.

Onto to some drinking for cinco, see when you when i'm drunk and disorderly.

The Beginning

Hello World,

This project has been an idea of mine for quite a while. As a beer hater surrounded by a group of beer lovers, it has been a running joke to see what I will say every time I try a new beer. My untapped is full of 1-3 star ratings if something gets a 4 star its like finding the holy grail at the end of Indiana Jones when the room is just full of chalices. This summer is going to start a journey of not only finding beers I like but having some fun with the ones I don't.

Wish me luck its going to be a drunk and disorderly ride and you are coming with me.
